Christmas 2006

Rachel and I were living in Las Vegas and we went to San Diego for Christmas and she asked me to be her boyfriend.
***Click the Picture Above and the Video will begin playing***
This video is actually the first one of her and I.
hey you guys are so damn cute! love your stuff on line, thanks for last fri nite, I felt better after I heard it!
Thanks Marsha and, I will say it again… you did a GREAT JOB!!! ***Johnny***
I am updating our site so that all of our videos are available in HTML5. This means from now on you will be able to view them on mobile devices. This is the first conversion.
I don’t remember it that way. You told me you asked her???
I like this video the best. You really put some thought behind it and the transitions with the music are by far your best.
No Schoolio she asked ME to be her boyfriend I asked HER to marry me.